Who is the driving force behind
Security Advice International ?
Elle de Jonge
Founder and Principal
The founder of SAI has extensive experience as he was the National Projectmanager ALPR and the driving force behind the National Sensing Field-Lab of the Dutch National Police and has 46 years of experience in Law Enforcement.
1th of february 2024 he joined Justice and Public Safety Consulting USA (JPSC) for tbe mutual benefit of a global network with many years of experiende in Law Enforcement and Public Safety issues.
From july 2024 is he is a lecturer at Turiba University in Latvia at the faculty of law, department of Security.
"I started my police career at the State Police in 1973 within the municipality of Uithuizen in the north of Groningen (Netherlands) . Till 1981 I worked operational on the streets in several municipalities in Groningen. Till 1996 I was a fire-arms and Riot-unit instructor and served till 2000 in the Riot-unit. After this I was asked to become a policymaker of the Division Operational Support.
Particularly from these years (about 2000) I grew into my passion for meaning something to security in the world. My interest in technology has been of great help. This is the reason why I choose for innovation development within the police. The innovations which I worked on are largely technological. Meanwhile I have a lot of experience - worldwide - with new innovations for the police and I am also a regular guest speaker at various conferences. The background as an operational policeofficer makes it easy for me to move between operational police and I can empathize with operational situations. This is clearly an asset to understand the workplace. Because of my needs to have more intrinsic motivation and knowledge to do the job, I started in 2009 with the Masters-education “Master of Security Science and Management"at the University of Delft where I graduated in june 2011. In the meantime i started several innovating projects at the Dutch police from which the project Compronet was the most advanced en innovating of all. I was involved in the making of a national police innovation proces, a national police demand articulation and I have runned the secretary of the national innovation stream “internet and social media”. In 2013 I was asked to reorganize the National ANPR project. In 2016 the National ANPR service became operational as – on that moment – one of the largest ANPR systems in the world. In 2016 and 2017 i was in the lead for further operationalize the ANPR service with a team of 12 colleagues and nationwide representatives. End of 2017 I also started to implement an Operation Field Lab (Generieke Proeftuin Voorziening) for the Program of Sensing in cooperation with the University of Eindhoven. The Field Lab must find a way to correlate sensor information to an operational picture where the police can act on, if possible before the problems starts. This Field Lab is still ongoing at the Dutch Police
From 2013 I represented the National Chief of Police at the International Association of Chiefs of Police (IACP) from which I am a member since 2007. Within the IACP I am a member of the LEIT section (Law Enforcement Information Technology) and I anticipated in two committees : the Communication and Technology Committee and the Criminal Justice Information Systems Committee. On the moment i have joined the Private Sector Liason Section of the IACP. I have been a member of the ENLETS SIGINT working group (European Network of Law Enforcement Technology Specialists – Signal Intelligence EU) and I am a founding father of EFRIM (European First Responder Interoperability Model). Because of these activities I have a broad international network which gives me a wide view on police work worldwide and information technology in particular. After my retirement - in august 2019 at the rank of Chief-Inspector- it was a logical step to start my own security company. Security Advice International (SAI) was founded in 2020."